Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Well, the McLaughlin's had their first outing to the Gulf Breeze Zoo this afternoon. Miss Graci enjoyed being out of the house and mommy & daddy enjoyed watching her observe all of the animals. Below are a few snapshots from our visit...
The mommy and baby, not us...behind us.

We thought it safer to sit her on this lion, instead of the real one.

Graci and Papa chillin' with the gators.

No, it is not too early to start promoting elephants...Roll Tide!

My little bug.

She was more interested in posing for the camera, then looking at the bears.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Adventures in Rice Cereal...

Okay, so as optimistic as my post earlier today was I have recently learned that rice cereal is good for a variety of things...throwing at mommy, pouring on the table and flinging it at Bailey (our little dog) interesting. Below are my attempts to capture the fun and joy of Graci's first time with something other than formula. At one point she started laughing so hard it came out of her nose. As you can see my one-handed camera skills have much to be desired.

Her first official bite!

Mommy is so funny! Taken just before it shot out of her nose.

Yum...that's where's my bottle!

4 Month Check Up Report

Graci went for her 4 month check up (in style as you can see from the pics below) and here are her new stats: 13 lbs 8 oz (a little more than double her birth weight) and 24 inches long (6 inches longer than when she was born). The doctor said she she is in perfect health and we can start her on cereal twice a day. Yippee...less bottles.

Here are a couple of pictures I snapped before we left the house. As you can see she is in high style with her Mudpie outfit that my friend Heather gave her. Please note the FABULOUS shoes and mathcing shirt - they both read "If The Tiara Fits."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Bath Time In the Big Tub

I had to post her first "Billy Idol" pic. She and I got in the BIG tub for a "swim." She didn't know what to think at first because our tub is a far cry from the little tub she has been getting a bath in for the last three months. Thank goodness she didn't poop on me!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's Time for a Walker...

Well, it is already time for Graci to get movin'. Her bouncy has become like prison, as she has recently decided that she needs to be up where she can see what is going on. So, last night Allen and I took her to WalMart to purchase her Winnie The Pooh walker. What you can't see from the picture is that the little Princess legs are too short to reach the ground, so we have to put a pillow under her feet. Just as Allen and I suspected, she is going to be short like us. Oh well, with a face that cute who cares.

Graci Has A Fabulous Friend

I've posted Addison and Graci's pictures previously, but this one is from Friday. The girls giggled and chatted while Amber and I enjoyed lunch. As you can see they are becoming very good friends. Addison likes to hold Graci is too cute.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

And The Winner Is...

Well, Graci didn't win photogenic in her pageant this afternoon. However, she did bring home a 5 ft. trophy, a crown that was almost bigger than she is, a plaque and a medallion. She was given the Sponsor Award, Prettiest Eyes, Best Fashion & 2nd Place Overall in the 23rd Annual Fort Walton Beach Cover Miss preliminary today! Graci had a captive audience as she took the stage...her GiGi Shirley, Aunt Betty, Mema Daisy, Grammy Carolyn, Aunt Tina and of course her Daddy. I was privileged enough to escort baby girl on stage. Here are a few shots from her big day!

Go Graci...Mommy & Daddy are so proud. We love you slobber monkey!

Graci Gets Her 3 Month Photos Taken...Mommy Has Other Plans!

Okay, so I know I am going to catch heck from most of my friends for this, but I had another motive when I took Graci to my friend and resident photographer/genius Marcia WrightReynolds at Gulf Reflections Studios for her 3 Month Photos....she needed photogenic pictures for her first pageant. Yes, that's right Graci is going to be a beauty queen. Here are a few shots we had to choose from.